Residency, as it relates to tuition, is different than establishing residency for other purposes. 作为一个国家机构, 内布拉斯加州大学必须遵守由内布拉斯加州大学确定的内布拉斯加州立法机构政策, 校董会(B.R.-5.7.1). 这些规定为大学工作人员确定个人是否有资格作为内布拉斯加州居民的学费目的提供了依据. 在某些情况下, 个人可能因为一个目的(例如获得内布拉斯加州驾驶执照)而有资格成为内布拉斯加州的“居民”,但仍然不符合校务委员会制定的州内居民身份标准.


应尽快提交完整的居留申请和所有证明文件, 但不能迟于以下日期.

  1. 牧师iew the 居住类 below and identify the category in which you qualify.
  2. Gather the documents required for your category, 包括经公证的意向书, 以电子格式,如PDF.
  3. 居留申请表 and submit the form with all required documentation prior to the deadline:

    术语 的最后期限
    秋天 10月1日
    春天 3月1日
    夏天 7月1日
  4. 有关决定或缺少文件的通知将发送到您在应用程序中使用的电子邮件. Applications still missing items 60 days after submission will be voided. Applications will be reviewed once all supporting documentation has been received. Applicants will be notified of a decision within 1 week of submission of a complete application.
  5. 在作出决定之前的任何时间, the applicant is responsible for any tuition payments due or late fees that may accrue.



所有申请必须包括一份经公证的意向宣誓书以及以下所述的特定于所选类别的文件. The University reserves the right to request additional documentation. For all documents, provide legible electronic copies. 提交所需的文件并不能保证以学费为目的的居留权将被授予. Please redact all social security numbers before submitting documentation.居住类

类别 文档 (in addition to Affidavit of Intent)
A. 法定年龄居民或未成年人:
An individual who has established a home in NE where he/she is habitually present & shall verify with documentation the intention to make NE their permanent place of residence.
  • 文档1在以申请人的名义寻求居住的学期之前,在东北至少有12个月的固定住所证明.
  • 文档2: Three (3) supporting documents in applicant's name.
  • 其他文件:如果是独立的未成年人:父母/监护人最近的联邦所得税申报表副本(仅限扣除页),以证明申请人不是受抚养人.
B. 受抚养未成年人(未满19岁. 年龄):
  • 文档1: Proof of current established home in NE in parent’(s)/guardian’(s) name.
  • 文档2: Three (3) supporting documents in parent’(s)/guardian’(s) name.
  • 其他文件:父母/监护人最近的联邦所得税申报表副本(仅限扣除页),表明申请人是受抚养人.
C. 法定年龄:19 - 24岁. 年龄):
  • 文档1: Proof of current established home in NE in parent’(s)/guardian’(s) name.
  • 文档2: Three (3) supporting documents in BOTH parent’(s)/guardian’(s) AND applicant’s name
  • 其他文件:父母/监护人最近的联邦所得税申报表副本(仅限扣除页),表明申请人是受抚养人.
D. 与内布拉斯加州居民结婚:
An individual who has married a resident of NE. Resident shall be required to verify residency prior to the marriage.
  • 文档1: Proof of an established home in NE prior to date of marriage in Nebraska Resident’s name.
  • 文档2: Three (3) supporting documents in Nebraska resident’s name.
  • 附加的文档: Official marriage certificate (not decorative, 纪念副本).
E. 永久居民、避难者或难民:
  • 文档1在以申请人的名义寻求居住的学期之前,在东北至少有12个月的固定住所证明.
  • 文档2: Three (3) supporting documents in applicant's name.
  • 附加的文档: Permanent Resident provide I-551; Asylee or Refugee 统计us provide I-94.
F. University/统计e College/NE Community College Employee or Dependent/Spouse:
至少 .5 FTE 工作人员 member or dependent/spouse of staff member, of the Univ. of NE, a NE state college, or NE community college.
  • 文档1:不需要
  • 文档2:不需要
  • 附加的文档:
    • Letter from Human 资源 verifying employment date, permanent status, and minimum 0.5 FTE.
    • 如果受抚养:最近的联邦所得税申报表(仅扣除额页)显示申请人是受抚养人.
    • If qualifying by spouse: official marriage license or certificate (not decorative, 纪念副本).
G. Active Duty Military or NE National Guard or Foreign Service Member, or Dependent/Spouse of Such:
在美利坚合众国武装部队服役的现役人员或在内布拉斯加州被分配永久工作地点或将内布拉斯加州作为登记所在地的现役外交人员, or a dependent or spouse of such an individual.
  • 文档1:不需要
  • 文档2:不需要
  • 附加的文档:
    • 来自军事人事办公室的文件(命令),表明现役,在东北或东北有永久工作地点作为记录所在地, 或从外交服务办公室表明在内布拉斯加州有永久工作地点的现役人员或将内布拉斯加州作为记录所在地.
    • 如果受抚养:最近的联邦所得税申报表(仅扣除额页)显示申请人是受抚养人.
    • If qualifying by spouse: official marriage license or certificate (not decorative, 纪念副本).
H. Nebraska High School bet36365体育投注/Nebraska Dream Act:
内布拉斯加州高中毕业生,符合内布拉斯加州法律要求的人. 牧师. 统计. §85-502(8).
  • 文档1: Proof of current established home in NE in applicant's name.
  • 文档2: Three (3) supporting documents in applicant's name.
  • 附加的文档: Nebraska high school transcript or copy of diploma.
I. Former University/统计e College Resident Student:
An individual who has been enrolled at one of the Univ. 东北或东北州立大学, 作为一名住院医生,以支付学费, and reenrolls within two years of the last date of enrollment.
  • 文档1: Proof of current established home in NE in applicant's name.
  • 文档2: Three (3) supporting documents in applicant's name.
  • 其他文件:由纽大校区或州立学院出具的在校学生分类说明.
J. 印第安人:
  • 文档1:不需要
  • 文档2:不需要
  • 附加的文档: 文档 attesting to affiliation with qualifying tribe. 部落登记卡, 印第安事务局的文件, 部落会员卡, 血统证明书, 等. 符合条件的部落:阿拉帕霍族, 阿里卡拉, 夏安族, 科曼奇族, 乌鸦, 达科他苏族, Dhegihan, 希多特萨人, 爱荷华州, 经历的Apache, 监察, 基卡普人, 基奥瓦人, 拉科塔, 拉科塔苏族, 曼丹人的, Missouria, Nakota苏族, 夏延北部, 奥马哈, 奥色治, Otoe, 波尼, Ponca, Potawatomie, 夸, Sac和Fox, 桑提人苏族, 夏延南部, 语.
K. Recruited or 转移red Employee or Dependent/Spouse:
个人谁,因为有特殊的才能 & 技能, were recruited/transferred for full-time employment by a business entity or a dependent/spouse.
  • 文档1: Proof of current established home in NE in employee’s name.
  • 文档2: Three (3) supporting documents in employee’s name.
  • 附加的文档:
    • 雇主用公司抬头写的信件. 必须包括“招聘”或“调任”, 入职日期, 以及永久全职工作身份.
    • 如果受抚养:最近的联邦所得税申报表(仅扣除额页)显示申请人是受抚养人.
    • If qualifying by spouse: official marriage license or certificate (not decorative, 纪念副本).
L. 内布拉斯加州高中毕业老兵:
A person who has served with the military who has been honorably discharged, 毕业于东北一所高中, and has established a home in NE with the intent to make NE a permanent residence.
  • 文档1: Proof of current established home in NE in applicant's name.
  • 文档2: Three (3) supporting documents in applicant's name.
  • 附加的文档: Nebraska high school transcript or copy of diploma.
M. 退伍军人或家属/配偶:
在军队服役的人, 已经退役了, 或这些老兵的家属或配偶, 如果该人已在东北邦登记投票,并证明有意成为东北邦居民的客观证据.
  • 文档1:不需要
  • 文档2:不需要
  • 附加的文档:
    • Veteran's DD 214 – Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty Military.
    • 如果符合受抚养资格:最近的联邦所得税申报表(仅扣除额页)显示申请人是受抚养人,并在受抚养人的名下提供以下任何(1)项:内布拉斯加州驾驶执照, 内布拉斯加州身份证, or Nebraska vehicle registration (pink slip).
    • If qualifying as spouse: official marriage license or certificate (not decorative, 纪念副本)和以下任何(1)项配偶的名字:内布拉斯加州驾驶执照, 内布拉斯加州身份证, or Nebraska vehicle registration (pink slip).
    • 退伍军人需要的文件:退伍军人的选民登记卡和以下(3)项中的任何一项:内布拉斯加州驾驶执照, 内布拉斯加州身份证, or Nebraska vehicle registration (pink slip).
N. 内布拉斯加州国民警卫队:
A person currently serving in the Nebraska National Guard.
  • 文档1:不需要
  • 文档2:不需要
  • 附加文件:提供来自军事人事办公室的官方文件(命令),表明在内布拉斯加州国民警卫队服役.

O. National Service 教育al Award / AmeriCorps:

  • 文档1:不需要
  • 文档2:不需要
  • 其他文件:提供国家服务信托或美国服务队的官方文件(服务证明信).


Based on 内布拉斯加大学 Board of Regents residency policy (RP-5.7学费)




Submit one or a combination of the following:

  • 当前租约或租赁协议(必须包括姓名,居住日期,地址和签名).
  • Canceled checks or proof of payment issued to landlord, 抵押贷款公司, or leasing company (类别 A and E need individual checks for each of 12 months).
  • 签署并注明日期的证明文件:
    • 内布拉斯加州房屋所有权,e.g.,保修.
    • Deed, Closing 统计ement, Real Estate 转移.
    • 统计ement, Deed of Trust, or Settlement 统计ement.
    • 经公证的房东证明信(必须包括居住日期和成立日期的复印件)
    • 首页 ownership with one of the above documentations).


Submit the most recent of any three of the following:

  • 当前内布拉斯加州驾照.
  • Nebraska voter registration card or certificate from County Election Commissioner.
  • 附有机构名称及申请人姓名和地址的支票或信用卡对账单(2-3个月的新能源交易).
  • Current Nebraska vehicle registration (pink slip)
  • Current pay statement verifying Nebraska state income taxes withheld.
  • Current Nebraska state income tax return (deduction page only).
  • 当前内布拉斯加州身份证
  • W-2表示内布拉斯加州的税款.
