Dr. 雅各布·库珀


办公室: 黑洞 321   |    电话: (308) 865-8912   |    电子邮件: cooperj2@azarnewsonline.com

Dr. 雅各布·库珀



  • 鸟类学
  • 生物地理学
  • 生态
  • 进化


  • B.S. (2013) - Louisiana State University
  • M.A. (2016) - University of Kansas
  • M.S. (2019) - University of Chicago
  • Ph. D. (2021) - University of Chicago


  • American Ornithological Society
  • 非洲鸟类俱乐部
  • West African Ornithological Society
  • Kansas Ornithological Society
  • Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
  • Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science


  • 库珀J.C.  2021.  Biogeographic and ecologic drivers of avian diversity. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Chicago.  357 pp. http://dx.doi.org/10.6082 / uchicago.3379
  • 库珀J.C.  2016.  Creating individual dispersal hypotheses improves stacked species distribution model performance.  M.A. 论文.  93 pp. http://hdl.处理.net/1808/21834


  • Cobos, M.E., Nuñez-Penichet, C.坎贝尔,P.D., 库珀J.C.Machado-Stredel, F.纽约州巴夫市(Barve.阿什拉夫,美国.阿尔基什,A.A., Ng 'eno, E., Nair, R.R.Atauchi, P.J.阿德博耶,A.彼得森,A.T.  2023.  Effects of occurrence data density on conservation prioritization strategies.  生物保护 284:110207.  doi: 10.1016/j.百.2023.110207
  • 威尔德,M.F.贝索奇,E.M.克罗楚克,B.A.亨德森,K.M.Tsuru, B.R., Velásquez Restrepo, S.加罗德,H.M., 库珀J.C.  2023.  什么构成了一个社区?  A co-occurrence exploration of the 成本a Rican avifauna.  新热带生物多样性 9(1):64-75.  doi: 10.1080/23766808.2023.2204549
  • Eliason C., 库珀J.C.哈克特,S.J.扎恩勒,E., Pequeño Saco, T.马多克斯,J.D.海恩斯,T.豪伯,M.E.贝茨,J.M.  2023.  Interspecific hybridization explains rapid gorget color divergence in Heliodoxa hummingbirds (Aves: Trochilidae).  英国皇家学会开放科学 10(3):221603.  doi: 10.1098 / rso.221603
  • 库珀J.C.  2022.  山锯木(Psalidoprocne fuliginosa),版本2.0.  在《bet36365体育投注》中 (Paul G. Rodewald Ed.).  Cornell Lab of 鸟类学, Ithaca, NY, USA.  doi: 10.2173 /弓.mousaw1.02(百科文章).
  • 库珀J.C.克劳奇,n.n.M.A.弗格森,A.W.贝茨,J.M.  2022.  Climatic refugia and reduced extinction correlate with underdispersion in mammals and birds in Africa.  生态与进化 12(3):e8752.  doi: 10.1002 / ece3.8752
  • 托拜厄斯J.A. … 库珀J.C. 和M . Schleuning.  2022.  AVONET: morphological, ecological, geographical data for all birds.  生态学通讯 25(3):581-597.  doi: 10.1111 /避署.13898
  • 库珀J.C.  2021.  Hierarchical analyses of community biogeography in the Afromontane highlands.  生物地理学前沿 13.04:e51310.  doi: 10.21425 / F5FBG51310
  • 库珀J.C.马多克斯,J.D.凯莉·麦卡格 & 约翰米. 贝茨.  2021.  Multiple lines of evidence indicate ongoing allopatric and parapatric diversification in an Afromontane sunbird (Cinnyris猩).  鸟类学 (formerly The Auk) 138:ukaa081.  doi: 10.1093/ornithology/ukaa081 PDF HERE Free Access
  • 艾伦,K.E.W .塔蓬洲.P.弗里曼,B., 库珀J.C.布朗,R。.M.彼得森,A.T.  2021.  Modelling potential Pleistocene habitat corridors between Afromontane forest regions.  Biodiversity and Conservation 30:2361–2375.
  • Caparucho J.M.G.阿什利,M.Tsuru, B.R., 库珀J.C.贝茨,J.M.  2020.  Dispersal ability correlates with range size in Amazonian habitat restricted birds.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287(1939):20201450.  doi: 10.1098 / rspb.2020.1450
  • 赫鲁斯卡对此J.P., 库珀J.C., & 罗宾斯,M.B.  2020.  First record of Mexican Whip-poor-will Antrostomus arizonae 在尼加拉瓜.  Cotinga 42:56-57.
  • 欧文斯,H.L.里比罗,V.索普,E.M .科沃斯.E.霍斯纳,P., 库珀J.C.A.Barve, V.纽约州巴夫市(Barve., Muñoz.彼得森,A.T.  2020.  Acknowledging uncertainty in evolutionary reconstructions of ecological niches.  生态与进化 10(14):6967-6977.  doi: 10.1002 / ece3.6359
  • 沃伊特J.R., 库珀J.C.李,R.  2020.  Stable isotopic evidence of misotrophy in xylophagids, deep-sea wood-boring bivalves.  海洋科学前沿 7:50.  doi: 10.3389 / fmars.2020.00050
  • 库珀J.C.  2018.  Niche theory and its relation to morphology and phenotype in geographic space: a case study in woodpeckers (Picidae).  鸟类生物学杂志 e01771.  doi: 10.1111 / jav.01771
  • 达席尔瓦,T.费尔南多,S.W.罗宾斯,M。.B., 库珀J.C.福卡姆,E.B.彼得森,A.T.  2018.  Recognition of a new generic-level swallow taxon from Central Africa.  鸟类生物学杂志 e01698.  doi: 10.1111 / jav.01698
  • 库珀J.C.,以及Soberón, J.  2018.  Creating individual accessible area hypotheses improves stacked species distribution model performance.  全球生态 & 生物地理学 27:156-165.  doi: 10.1111 /创业板.12678
  • Saupe E.E.纽约州巴夫市(Barve.欧文斯,H.L., 库珀J.C.霍斯纳,P.彼得森,A.T.  2018.  Reconstructing ecological niche evolution when niches are incompletely characterized.  系统生物学 67:428-438.  doi: 10.1093 / sysbio / syx084
  • Ingenloff K.亨茨,C., Anamza, T.Barve, V.坎贝尔,L.P., 库珀J.C.康普,E.Jimenez, L.奥尔森,K.奥索里奥-奥尔维拉,L.欧文斯,H.L.彼得森,A.T.A., 摄影记者,M.,以及Soberón, J.  2017.  Predictable invasion dynamics in American populations of the Eurasian Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284:20171157.  doi: 10.1098 / rspb.2017.1157
  • Brzeski K.E.沃尔夫,J.D., 库珀J.C.鲍威尔,L.L.  2016.  Camera sighting of Congo Clawless Otter in the midst of rapid development on mainland 赤道几内亚.  IUCN水獭规范. 群公告 33(2).
  • 库珀J.C.约翰逊,O.加州戴维斯市.J.泰瑞尔,R.S.沃尔夫,J.D.布热斯基,K.E., etinge, A.M.鲍威尔,L.L.  2017.  Notes on the distribution of the avifauna of Bioko Island, 赤道几内亚, including one new country record.  Malimbus 39(1):1-15.
  • 库珀J.C., Barragán Díaz, D.  2017.  Tawny-throated Leaftosser Sclerurus mexicanus, version 1.0.  在《bet36365体育投注》中 (T. S. 特为Ed.). Cornell Lab of 鸟类学, Ithaca, NY, USA.  doi: 10.2173 /弓.tatlea1.01(百科文章).
  • 库珀J.C.Cuervo, A.M.  2017.  Vocal variation and species limits in the Sclerurus mexicanus complex. 威尔逊鸟类学杂志 129(1):13-24.
  • 库珀J.C.鲍威尔,L。.L.沃尔夫,J.D.  2016.  Notes on the birds of 赤道几内亚, including nine first country records.  Bulletin of the 非洲鸟类俱乐部 23(2):152-163. *Correction published: eight first country records.
  • 摄影记者,M.V.P.布雷特克鲁兹,L.C.V.,阿尔瓦拉多·G., M.巴卡,S.M., 库珀J.C.海因斯,L.E.赫尔佐格,K.S.利伯曼,B.S.  2016.  The evolving theory of evolutionary radiations.  Trends in 生态与进化 31(1):27-34.  doi: 10.1016/j.树.2015.10.007u


  • 威尔德,M.F., 库珀J.C.加罗德,H.M.  2023.  Testing the accuracy of species distribution models based on community science data.  bioRxiv.  doi: 10.1101/2023.01.13.523331
  • 库珀J.C. 和Barragán Díaz, D.  2022.  Is niche divergence more likely in parapatry? A test in Sclerurus mexicanus sensu lato (Aves: Furnariidae).  bioRxiv.  doi: 10.1101/2022.12.06.519370
  • 库珀J.C.  2020.  Depredation of Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa) by a presumed American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus)在城市公园里.  草地鹨 29.4:10-11.
  • 库珀J.C.  2017.  Book review of Why Birds Matter edited by Çağan Hakkı Şekercioğlu, Daniel G. 温妮 & Christopher J. 惠兰.  生物学季刊 92:464-465.  doi: 10.1086/694954